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Dignity Program Manager Report

We've had a remarkable year collaborating with like-minded organizations, churches, and schools for Kingdom Impact. The importance of unity has become increasingly apparent, emphasizing the power of working as one cohesive unit rather than as individuals. Our mentorship program for teenage girls thrived thanks to our dedicated mentors, who selflessly serve their communities and sow seeds for the girls' growth. One standout moment was when a former participant returned as an assistant, showcasing leadership and servanthood qualities, earning her a Dignity Champion Medal. You can read her inspiring story a few pages in.

Innovative facilitator trainings welcomed over 50 new facilitators, empowering them to implement the Dignity & Dare programs in their respective churches, communities, and schools. A major highlight was the opportunity to impact and share knowledge with participants from diverse organizations and churches in Zambia. By challenging cultural norms with God's word, we equipped individuals to help teenagers discover their Identity, Belonging, and Purpose in God.

Zambia marked the beginning of our journey across Africa. We’re thankful for the opportunities and believe there’s more to come. Stay tuned for updates.

​Crystal Kannemeyer

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